The top half of this page provides some descriptive statistics of our various scales of analysis: project types (of which there are 7 and a federally standardized definition), service providers (whom are specific to the Dallas metropolitan area and who we assigned aliases to protect their identities) and clients who are using the overall housing system. Each service provider may offer various programs and services and can be categorized within one of the seven project types.
The data presents four main narratives that explain how individual clients interact with the homelessness system. Scroll to see each narrative, the service provider associated with them and the client duration in the system.
Number of Clients by Project Type
Clients in the System
Clients in Emergency Shelter
Clients in Transitional Housing
Clients in Rapid-Rehousing
Clients in Permanent Supportive Housing
Number of Clients by Service Provider
The data presents four main narratives that explain how individual clients interact with the homelessness system. Scroll to see each narrative, the service provider associated with them and the client duration in the system.
Use Emergency Shelter Only
Use Housed Services Only
Use Homeless then Housed Services
Experience Recurring Homelessness